Thursday, June 11, 2009

Girl's night

Fisher went to sleep early tonight, so it was just Lucy and I. I asked if she wanted me to paint her toes and she said yes, emphatically. Well, when I was done with her, she wanted me to do mine too. Then she decided she wanted to help and so, Lucy painted my toenails and fingernails. Then she decided she wanted me to spend time with her in her bed too. She cried when I left and later I went back in. I told her she was okay and to stop crying. Then I asked if she was sad and she said yes. I didn't even know she knew that word. Each day she surprises me with words I didn't teach her.


Kleinhenz Family said...

LOL! She didn't do to bad considering she is one!

Andrea and Nate Tracey said...

That is soooo cute! I can't believe how big she is!

KAZ said...

She paints just like I do! I love how you were so willing to let her paint your fingernail and toenails. Now do you still have them painted like that?